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Frequently Asked Questions

Patients / Carers

How does Liberating Research work for me?

Liberating Research is a community for patients and healthcare professionals. We provide paid market research; online surveys and telephone interviews, from the pharmaceutical and research industry to the community. We provide a payment for your time (incentive) which you can either keep for yourself or donate to the charity of your choice.

I don't suffer from a condition. Can I still sign up and join and raise money for charity?

The Liberating Research community is for sufferers of a range of diseases, we have over 150 conditions covered on our site. If you don't have a condition but are the main carer for someone who does, there may still be studies for you. If not, you can still get involved by referring patients or healthcare professionals via our 'Refer a Friend' scheme. See more in the 'Everyone Else' tab above.

Who are the surveys from?

The surveys are from Pharmaceutical & Medical Device companies and the Research sector, but can also come from Branding and Communication companies, Financial and Media organisations, Charities and Non-Profits.

Why should I take part?

Healthcare is such an important topic in everyone's lives, we believe patients should have a chance to share their opinions and provide their feedback back to these sectors. Sharing opinions and collecting data on health all goes towards our understanding of chronic conditions and how we can make advancements in the future developments of these diseases.

What type of research do you do?

We offer market research studies to signed up members in the form of telephone interviews, online surveys and face to face interviews.

You mention that patients have to be verified. What does that mean?

We ask for you to sign up and opt in to the community to participate in paid market research studies on behalf of the Pharmaceutical and Research industry. We have an obligation to them but also the fellow users on the site, to ensure our data is quality controlled and from real patients. Unfortunately due to the incentives involved, there could be some unscrupulous people out there that may try to sign up and not be an actual patient. Therefore we have to check a few simple details to ensure that each individual actually does have the conditions they say they do.

How do you verify patients?

To become verified you need to provide us with a letter from your GP or consultant (and a picture of your medication if the letter does not contain details of your condition). Alternatively you can be verified by completing a phone based registration and eligibility assessment with one of our trained moderators.

Surveys; Best Practice

We always aim to keep our surveys interesting and engaging, though there may be certain surveys that are more involved. Some may ask you to read sections of text or review concepts as part of the overall survey. We ask that you follow the instructions given as best you can. We time all of our surveys and make a best estimate as to how long a survey will take an average respondent including any reading or review time. Naturally everyone works at different speeds, but if your completion of the survey takes a significantly reduced time compared to the average user, we may need to investigate the data provided which could result in no incentive being paid or donation being made. Similarly if we spot that a user has skipped through sections and randomly clicked or provided incoherent answers, then we will also review their data, incentive fee and potentially their membership of the community.

What is Market Research?

Healthcare and pharmaceutical companies are keen to understand your experience as someone who has a particular health condition, has used health services or as the carer of someone with health problems or in your experiences of treating or supporting patients and carers. Findings from market research studies help organisations to shape how they develop their products and services to best meet the needs of healthcare professionals and patients. Consumer / non-healthcare market research is similar, in that it is focused on collecting your opinions and experiences in order to allow the sponsoring company to learn more about and understand your experiences.

You would never be asked to take any medications as part of a market research study, market research just collects the opinions and experiences of groups of people. No individuals are named or identified (unless you have explicitly consented to this for a specific purpose) which means that no-one will know that you took part in the research or what opinions or experiences you reported.

For more information about healthcare market research, please see What Is Market Research? on the website of the BHBIA (British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association).

You mention working with charities and fundraising for them. Are you a not for profit business?

No. We are a commercial business, but one that has a social impact. Over the coming months keep an eye out for our fundraising leader boards and our newsletters to keep up to date with what we've generated so far.

How do I donate my survey earnings to charity?

You can do it all via the site. Just select your favourite charity and choose what percentage of your earnings you want to donate (you can change this at any time in the members area). Everyone donates at least 10% and we transfer the money to the charity on your behalf after the study has finished. All transfers to Charities are made once a month to their bank accounts. And that's it! Who knew fundraising could be so painless :)

If I don't want to donate all my incentive to charity and want to keep some for myself, can I do that?

Yes absolutely. You will see at the start of every study the amount that is being paid with the ability to choose what percentage you want to donate. Everyone donates at least 10% and we transfer the money to the charity on your behalf. We will send the remainder to you 2 - 3 weeks after you have completed.

How do you select your charities?

The Liberating Research platform is open for registration to any legally registered health organisation or charity. So if you have a registered charity number, Gift Aid number or company number and work within the healthcare industry then you can be listed for donations from our members.

Do you verify your Charities and Support groups so I know my donations are going to the right place?

Yes we do. Charities that register themselves need to send us a copy of a bank statement or letter from the bank clarifying their status, so we can ensure that they are who they say they are and we have the correct and actual payment details. We also check their details against various official databases to confirm their status to accept donations.

There's a charity that I want to donate to, but they aren't listed on the system. Can I still donate to them?

Unfortunately we can only make donations to Charities or Support Groups that have signed up to Liberating Research or large Charities that we have added ourselves. If there is a charity or group that you would like to see on there then please get in touch with them and ask them to sign up so our users can start raising money for them.

Can I donate to more than one charity?

You can only choose one charity per incentive donation. You can change who you want to donate to at the beginning of every study and you can track all of your donations within the members area.

How do you use my personal information?

We ask for information regarding your condition, treatments and medication so that we can make sure we only send you surveys that are relevant to you. Demographic information, such as your age, geographic region etc allows us to run smart analytics on the data. All data is anonymous, so our clients or other users would never be able to personally identify you (unless you give your explicit consent for this to happen for a specific survey). Everyone opts into the research community when they sign up and provides their consent for us to send them research surveys based on their registration details. You will never be contacted directly by any third parties, only Liberating Research. You can opt out of the community at any point in the members area.

Do you share my personal information?

We never share any data that could lead to you being individually identified. Our clients or any third parties will never have access to your personal information (name, email, phone number etc) as the data is always anonymised. There are certain pieces of research where it may be necessary for you to be identified, but we will always ask for your express permission and consent before going ahead.

Can I close my account? How do I do this?

Just login to your account, select 'Close Account' from the profile dropdown menu and follow the instructions

What is the Condition Q&A section?

The Condition Q&A is our research platform that allows Patients to ask the questions that matter to them. As patients, we know we're an inquisitive bunch and there's always questions that we want to ask. Not everyone has access to a support group, knows other sufferers or has the time in their appointment to ask their physician the hundreds of questions that they have. That changes here. Get involved and you can ask a question to the Community and see statistically relevant answers. Even if you don't have any burning questions to ask, answer the questions that others have set. We think you'll find the data fascinating. We have also compiled recommendations and top ten lists from Patients and Healthcare professionals (HCP's) so anyone looking for the best blogs, apps, books, alternative medicine and activities for their condition can have an expert perspective direct from other sufferers and healthcare professionals. Only verified patients and HCP's can take part, so that we can ensure these are real recommendations from real patients and practitioners.

What type of question can I ask?

To make it easier to understand and view the results, all questions need to be in the form of a yes/no or multiple choice format with up to 10 possible options for everyone to select. Unfortunately right now we have no way of sharing the data to users who ask an open ended question but we will look to incorporate this in the future. All you have to do is enter your question and the possible answers into the form on the Condition Q&A or tweet it to us and once your question is approved it will go live for everyone to answer.

Why do questions get ranked?

We also ask you to rate the relevance of the question you just answered. This allows us to filter the questions so you are always seeing the most relevant questions first.

What topic can I ask?

You decide what topic you want to ask. It could be around symptoms, special diets, the NHS, Health Insurance, Government policy, feelings and perspectives or it could be something more frivolous. If you think Walter White will come out on top as the favourite representation of a cancer patient on TV, prove it and ask the community. If it is condition specific, we will share your question with other sufferers of that condition but if it's more general, it will go to everyone. It's all anonymous, so there's no reason to be shy.

Who else gets involved in the Condition Q&A?

Alongside questions from Liberating Research and other Patients, we also allow our Physicians and Nurses to get involved and pose questions to the Patient Community. We also encourage our registered Charities and Support Groups to set questions to everyone to assist with their campaigns.

How do I get paid?

All payments to individual respondents are made via direct bank transfer and we pay all of the fees so you get exactly what you've earned. For respondents that do not have a bank account we may also be able to arrange an alternative payment method (please note that transfer fees may be applicable to non bank transfers).

Can I refer other users?

We would love you to refer other Patients or Healthcare professionals to our community. You can track all referrals in the members area after logging in. You will also see a running total of all donations generated by your network.

How do I refer other users?

Once you are logged in, go to your account and on the top menu bar you will see 'Refer a Friend'. Click on that section and you will see your personal referral link. Share this link with your network; either by email, post the link on Facebook or to your Twitter followers or on any personal sites or blogs you might have. Just remind them to click on the link you've shared so we can track this.

Condition Q&A

Knowledge from people like you

Patient curated questions, answers and top ten lists. Articles, videos and support groups, all submitted by our community


Sign Up

Sign up now to start earning money for you and your charity

Your privacy is our priority

As patients we understand how important your personal data is. Everything we share is completely anonymised and you choose what information to enter and what surveys to complete. That way you always retain full control over what information you share and what you don't.

View our Privacy Policy

Comments, questions, queries or suggestions
- we would love to hear from you


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+1 332 220 3982 +44 (0)20 7249 4461 +49 (0)800 180 6751 +33 (0)1 76 66 03 27 +39 06 8938 5130 +34 960 130 785 +1 647 896 2637 +61 261 452 396

Liberating Research
Unit 208
Warwick Works
Downs Road
London E5 8QJ, UK